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Konstruktor Mekhanik(6) Construction Sets

Konstruktor Mekhanik(6) (Конструктор Механик) was a simple construction system with Trix-like parts but with the Meccano X Series pattern of holes. It was made in around 1947/8 by Podolsky G.P.K. MOOMP (Подольский Г.П.К. МООМП). It appears as though an electric motor and and electromagnet may also have been available - or at least proposed. The set is made from aluminium with 23 different parts with a total of 390 parts in the set. One of the photos shows the approximate hole size and spacing.

Manufacturer / Distributor

Podolsky G.P.K. MOOMP (Подольский Г.П.К. МООМП)

Below there are manuals/leaflets which can be downloaded by clicking on the appropriate image.

A Konstruktor Mekhanik(6) instruction manual.
(Added 18/10/2020)

Photos of a Konstruktor Mekhanik(6) set.
(Added 21/09/2020)